My name is Christina Le, and I'm the Chief Nursing Officer for Wound Care Advantage. I assist in training all of the nurses within the company, and I help manage our wound care programs throughout the country. Wound care nurses are a special breed. We get to see the patients throughout their whole transition of care - from day one, when the patient walks into the clinic, nervous about what's going to happen, to the day they get to ring the bell and celebrate that they're wound is healed. We're involved with every aspect of that healing, including all treatments and surgeries. It could be two weeks or two years, but we become so involved with our patients that we become like their family.
I think what makes a good wound care nurse is somebody who has compassion and really wants to be involved with that patient. It's more than just their disease process. It's really understanding how they're feeling, and how they're dealing with their emotions. We become a part of them, and that's what makes the difference.
When Wound Care Advantage is looking for a nurse, we're looking for somebody who's not afraid to get dirty. We want somebody who can get in there and get down with the patient, really help them understand their disease process, and how to heal. We promote education on advanced modalities, skin subs, and a variety of treatments. We train and give the nurses all the knowledge they need to provide good care to our patients.
A patient's attitude is very important, but the attitude a wound care nurse presents to the patient is also critical. That's what the patient sees, and that's what they feel when they walk in. As the nurse for that patient, we have to encourage them. If they have doubts, if they're nervous, if they're all ties into how they heal and how they feel about themselves. So when you walk into any of our WCA clinics across the country, you're going to see a very welcoming, happy environment.